What should you need to know before learning java?-Java Basic Concepts

Dear reader, in this Article we need to Learn Java Basics Concept Before going on a High Level. which is the most important part of every new Student. every student needs to clear basics because without basics you can't understand any programming language.

if you really want to learn java please keep focus and try to understand the concepts.
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Software:- What is Software?

#Ans:- in simple Language Software is a collection of Programs, Which is used to Solve real-world Problems bypassing Instructions to Hardware.

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Programming Language:- What is Programming Language?

#Ans:- Any Software Language, which is used to build a program is called a programming language OR any program which is executed by a computer to perform a specific task, mostly all Programs are written by a programmer or Developer, Like- Java, Python, C#, C++, etc.
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Program:- What is the Program?

#Ans:- It is a set of instructions given to a hardware machine to solve Human problems. usually written by a Programmer or Developer, we can Call as a Powerful Code.

Platform:- What is PlatForm?

#Ans:- A Platform is a spar or an environment provider to run the programs or a software application, like- Windows, Linx, MacOs, Android, iOS, Unix, etc.
Windows, Linx, MacOs, Android, iOS, Unix, etc.

What is Java?

#Ans:- Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language and it is Also a Platform Independent Language. According to other languages, Java is best known for its Security, with Java, we can Develop Virus-free System.

Why is Java More Secure Language?
#Ans:- Because of, In java, have these following things,

  • No explicit pointer.
  • Java programs run inside a virtual machine sandbox.
  • ClassLoader (in Java it is a part of JRE)
  • ByteCode Verifier (it is used to checks the code fragments for illegal code that can violate access right to objects)
  • Security Manager (it determines what resources a class can access such as reading and writing to the local disk)
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Some Special Features of Java:-

  • Java is a Simple Programming Language We can Learn easily. 
  • Object-Oriented Programming Language.
  • Java is Distributed.
  • also an Interpreted Language.
  • Robust.
  • Secure.
  • Portable.
  • Multithreaded.
  • also have a Garbage Collector(which is Run by JVM automatically)
Object:- What is an Object?
#Ans:- An Object is a real-world entity, it will be a component which can we feel, seeing, and touch. which is Created from the Class, without Class Object Can not Be Created.

Object Contains two Important things Or Properties:-
1. States
2. Behavior

States:- It is always representing features of an Object.
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Behavior:- It always represents the Action performed by an Object.
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Some Important Points Of Object:-
  • An object can be created by using a "new" Keyword.
  • The Class name and object name must be the same.
  • An object is always created in the Heap Memory.
  • Inside the heap memory, the Object contains Object name(similar to the class name), address of the Object(in hexaDecimal values), states and behavior of the Object.
  • This address is started in a variable called a reference variable, which helps in accessing the data present in the Object.
How To Create Object, and how it's Stored In Memory:-

Class:- What is Class in java?
#Ans:- A-Class is a Blueprint Design of a Plane using which we can create Multiple Objects. 
A Class is the Context Of Java or Template that is used to create objects and to define data types and Methods.

  • In Java without the Class, we can not create any Object.
  • Using a Class "n" Number of Objects can be created.
  • Always the Class name must be in camel case, ex:- "helloworld"(because the first Letter is small)
  • No Space should be there between in Class name, variable name, method name, Right Way to Write:- Hello_World
  • We can not start any class name, variable name, method name with numerical, ex:- 3Hello_World.
  • You can not use any Java Keyword as a Class name, variable name, and Method name.
  • we can use Some access Modifiers with Class:- public, private, protected, and default and final.
What are Identifiers in java:- Identifiers are the one which helps us in differentiating any two Class in java, (Class name is also an Identifier).
there are some Rules:- 
  • Must be a camel case.
  • No space in between the Class name.
  • No special characters but we can use ($ and "_ " underscore).
  • we can not write the name from numerical.
  • Can't use Keywords, like- Class, int, new, String, etc.

Admin Words:- Hopefully, now you can understand some Java Basics Concept. If you are still confused about any point in this Article please remind us to comment below of this post. And stay away to learn Java J with Us. and also Read our Next Program.

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